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I love the humor in this, how casual the monster-talk is (like, "oh yeah, my family is from Venus"). If this were developed further it'd be nice to see different character portraits for different expressions, reacting according to the player's response. Also, formatting-wise, I think it would look nicer if the character art and text lined up a bit better. As of now it looks like the character art is just kind of slapped there above the text. Maybe having the picture centered and a bit bigger, with the text lined up underneath it? That's just one option though, there are tons of ways to format it. As people mentioned there are a couple missing or broken picture links, but that's an easy fix. Great concept, would love to see it developed more if you choose to!

Love the theme of this game : D I ended up with Beelzebug, very cute! Some of the images are not showing up.  I would like to see more illustrations for other monsters too! 

This is such a fun and lighthearted game, and the pink color is perfect for it! Honestly the biggest issue is just that it feels too short, which can obviously be improved if you choose to revisit it. Other than that, getting your images working (perhaps finding a way to make the monsters part of the background rather than sitting above the text) would make the experience more immersive and enjoyable. 

Team Beelzebug all the way :)

Viability: Definitely felt cohesive and thorough until the end, only problem I ran into was a missing image in one passage.

Presentation: Good use of typography and color, along with some images to help set the scene. I would love to see even more illustrations and color choices if you choose to continue this one,  the Kaiju theming is awesome!

Theming: Really fun theme for a dating sim, I would love to see how the gameplay mechanics could become even more complicated using this theming if you choose to continue.

Engagement: Story was engaging and fun to make choices in the world you have built. Just a suggestion, but if you choose to continue with this I think adding some sort of incentive for choosing certain dialogue and adding more monsters would be good. Solid engagement though all the way through.

It is fun to play to follow along with the stories and make decisions. Adding some visuals will help to add effects to the storytelling. I like those characters and the dialogues in this game.

This is so adorable! I ended up going for Beezlebug as well- she was so cute and I would love to see more illustrations of them and I also had trouble seeing the first image.  A few more options with questions and other dates would be really interesting- even though I think my heart is set on Beezlebug lollll

Very funny, very fun to play. I would change a few things to better the presentation though: In some passages there were big blocks of text; I would add a few blank spaces in between short paragraphs to make it look more appealing. Also, there were quite a few punctuation and capitalization errors that took away from the presentation. Just editing and formatting the text better would make it perfect!

I love the concept of this. There is a missing image in the “across the table” path but otherwise it played well! I like the characters and would love to have more interactions and even rejections. I love X-Droid, I want to know more about this sweet bot!

Ahh, it ended just as I was getting invested!! This is such a fun concept, I'd love to meet even more monsters, and have even more options to pick from at the end. Maybe I just fumbled the bag with X-droid and Gorilla-Tron, but it felt like the only real option was Beelzebug. It'd be cool to have a little more control as a player, or at least feel like control.

Super nice job! I'd definitely like some negative endings, since that's a reality of dating that I suspect even kaiju have to face. I am very emotionally attached to X-droid and his glitter glue, and would love illustrations both for him and the tag glitter glued to our own kaiju body. If you continue with this I'd love to see more options for Kaiju to speed date!

I see where you're coming from, but the point is that just talking to people will get you freinds and or partners. I tried to show this by the only real bad ending being you going home instead of continuing to interact , but I guess I could add more to the game to show that the theme is just "talk to people they might talk back". :) thank you for your feedback!

This game is super cute and I love the concept you have! Beelzebug supremacy. My only issues were that some of the images weren't showing and were giving me errors, and I would love to see some backgrounds and things for the character sprites.